

To-do List Found in a Pocket,” “Vase,” “Paper Tape,” & “Cup,” The Rumpus

River Now Called Cape Fear,” Orion

River Beach,” Birmingham Poetry Review

List,” 32 Poems

“Attempt with a Gap in It” (four poems), Evergreen Review

Poem in Shorthand (Spring),” Poetry Northwest Poem of the Week 

Swing,” Blackbird

Blood Cup” & “Instructions for Escape,” Electric Literature

Stem,” SWWIM Every Day

Floss,” Literary Matters

Plumule, Plumb Rule, & Plum Gouger,” Memorious

Lines to Be Tied to Garment Tags in the Underwear Section of a Department Store,” Cordella

From Smaller Songs

Songs of the Garden,” poets.org (first published in Quarterly West)

Songs of the Inner Room,” Flock

From Ornament

Midafternoon,32 Poems

Qualifications for One to Be Climbed by a Vine,Verse Daily (first published in 32 Poems)

To Do in the New Year,Redux (first published in International Poetry Review)

Honeysuckle,Southern Cultures (first published in the Hopkins Review)

Limax maximus,” Michigan Quarterly Review

“Dishwashing,” the Arkansas International

For more poems online, see Projects.

In print

“Endearment (turtle dove),” Aesthetica Creative Writing Award Annual

“Climate Picture,” Live Canon’s 2024 Christmas pamphlet

“Bell,” Phi Kappa Phi Forum

“Petunia,” “Bringing in the garden on the night of the first frost,” & “After Taking Out a Splinter,” the Georgia Review

“Aubade at the Summer Solstice, with Language Study and Work Clothes,” the Gettysburg Review

“Productive,” Poetry Northwest

“Prayer,” Southwest Review

“Marsh Rose, Primrose, Leatherflower,” Arkansas International 

“Scissors,” Asheville Poetry Review

And at 1110, the Denver Quarterly, the Florida Review, Measure, Nelle, Poetry InternationalSewanee Review, South Dakota Review, Southern Cultures, Southern Review, Subtropics


“Rules for Proximity” & “HITCH WORLD,” forthcoming in West Branch
“Common,” forthcoming in The Hopkins Review
“Early Star,” forthcoming in The Cortland Review
“Not for the,” forthcoming in Image
“Emerald,” forthcoming in Attached to the Living World: A New Ecopoetry Anthology 
Two poems forthcoming in Seedlings
“Attempt with a Gap in It,” forthcoming at Bellingham Review
Three visual poems, forthcoming in The Iowa Review
“Wish for Continuance,” forthcoming in The Cincinnati Review


New Methods in Tooth Brushing,” the Common online. Named a notable essay of 2021 in The Best American Essays

‘This resonant, strange, vaulting roof’: Contemporary Sonnets Beyond Iambic Pentameter,” Annulet, and in The American Sonnet (University of Iowa Press, 2023)

‘And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,’” Every Atom: Reflections on Whitman at 200, North American Review online

What Can I Give You?,” Contributors’ Marginalia on Maggie Smith’s “Love Poem,” 32 Poems

Wake Up!,” Contributors’ Marginalia essay on Zeina Hashem Beck’s “Adhan,” 32 Poems

Five Poets of Place,” Vela

Durham Main Post Office,” in In Quire, Picture Postcards project

Falling Through the Screen,” American Scientist

Serious Nonsense: Edward Lear’s natural-history illustration won him scientific credibility. Now his nonsense verse may do the same,” American Scientist

Book Reviewing in the Sciences: A Conversation,” American Scientist

Epic Science: At an international colloquium this September, researchers will tell the story of science poetry’s evolution,” American Scientist

Savory Individuals: A field study reveals new evidence for airborne communication in sagebrush plants,” American Scientist

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© 2024 Anna Lena Phillips Bell