

January 4

4:30 pm ET

Literary Journals Panel

Writers’ Resolutions Retreat
Tennessee Williams/Saint and Sinners Literary Festival
 Register here 

February 14

9–10 am ET

Writing Love Poems

Including rondelets!
Write Wilmington
 Register here 

March 28

3:20–4:35 PDT

Beyond the Slush: Engaging Students in Literary Publishing  

With Paul Jaskunas, Emily Everett, Gerald Maa, & Dora Malech
AWP 2025—IRL; I’ll be there virtually
 Register here 

May 2

6–7 pm ET

Poetry at the Arboretum: UNCW MFA Students Writing with Native Plants

Launch of a public poetry installation in support of native plants  
New Hanover County Arboretum
 Registration to come 


September 20

7 pm ET

Rapid Reading

Punch Bucket Literary Festival
Wortham Center for the Performing Arts, Asheville, NC  
 Register here 

September 21

10–11:15 am ET

Thinking With the Climate Crisis

With Belle Boggs, Sharon Kunde, Kristi Maxwell, and Sarah Rose Nordgren
Punch Bucket Literary Festival
Wortham Center for the Performing Arts, Asheville, NC  
 Register here 

September 21

4–5:15 pm ET

How We Work and What We Love: Perspectives from Five Literary Magazines

With Ayse Erginer, Terry Kennedy, Mark Powell, and Alyson Sinclair 
Punch Bucket Literary Festival
Wortham Center for the Performing Arts, Asheville, NC  
 Register here 


March 6–April 10

Reclaiming Meter: Strategies for Contemporary Poem-Making

AWP virtual panel, with Chad Abushanb, Jenna Le, and Sophia Stid 
 Details and panel outline 

April 27

6 p.m. ET

William Matthews Prize Poetry Reading  

Malaprops Books/Asheville Poetry Review virtual reading
 Register here 

July 18–30

Sewanee Writers’ Conference  

Visiting editor & special-topics class 
 Apply by March 15 


February 6

3–5 p.m. ET

Carmine Street Metrics  

Virtual event—register by midnight on Saturday, February 5
 Register here 

May 24–27

Poetry by the Sea  

Workshop: Tools from the Craft of Editing  
 Event Information 

June 13–19, 2022

June 25

2–5 p.m. ET

July 19–31

November 3

8 p.m. ET

November 18–20

Bread Loaf Environmental Writing Conference

Guest Editor, June 16–18
 Apply by March 15 

Artseed, Residency No. 48, Marble House Project

Presentation, reading, and open studio
Free and open to the public
Marble House Project, Dorset, VT
 Event Information 

Sewanee Writers’ Conference  

Master class: Reclaiming Meter, July 23
 Apply by March 15 

Reading at Randolph College

Alice Ashley Jack Room, Smith Memorial Building
 Event Information

North Carolina Writers’ Network Fall Conference

Beautiful Cacophony: Poetry Master Class
Wrightsville Beach, NC
 Event Information 


April 18

7 p.m. ET

July 22–26

Sewanee Writers’ Conference

Master class: Editing for Poets
Sewanee, TN
 Register here 


September 24

7 p.m. ET

Smaller Songs chapbook launch

Featuring St Brigid Press print-shop tour
Virtual event
UNCW writeup
Join here

October 25

4 p.m. ET

Cordella magazine Labor Issue launch

Watch replay here

Past Events

Poetry on the Riverwalk: A Reading with Quarterly West, 32 Poems, Beloit Poetry Journal, and others, Casa Rio, AWP San Antonio, March 2020

Don’t Mess with Text: A Reading with Florida Review and Willow Springs, the Palace Room at Smoke, AWP San Antonio, March 2020

Readings to launch A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia: Hub City Bookshop, Spartanburg, SC (organizer); Malaprops Bookstore, Asheville, NC; Union Avenue Books, Knoxville, TN; Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, November–December 2019

Reading and sonnet-making workshop, with Eric Smith, Pomegranate Books, Wilmington, NC, May 2019

Counter-Desecration: Collective Remedying Release Party, AWP offsite, Passages Bookshop, Portland, OR, 2019

Hopkins Review and Literary Matters Lunch Poems and Prose, AWP offsite, Doug Fir Lounge, Portland, OR, 2019

House Party Reading Series, Bull City Press, Hillsborough, NC, February 2019

Author Talk Series, Athenian House, Wilmington, NC, May 2018

Virginia Festival of the Book, reading at New Dominion Bookshop, March 2018

Holler Salon, Sundress Academy for the Arts, Knoxville, TN, July 2017

Literati Bookstore, Ann Arbor, MI, June 2017

Ornament book launch, Satellite Bar and Lounge, May 2017

Guest editor, South Carolina Writers Association conference, April 2021

Literary Matters reading, with George David Clark, Ishion Hutchinson, Didi Jackson, Marcia Karp, Oliver de la Paz, David Yezzi, and featured reader Major Jackson, ALCSW Conference, October 2019

Faculty/Alumni Reading Series, with Daniel Tobin, Emerson College, Boston, MA, November 2018

Reading by honorable mention recipients in the Brockman-Campbell Book Award, NC Poetry Society annual meeting, Southern Pines, NC, 2018

Reader and printer, Vandercooked Poetry Nights, Asheville Bookworks, Asheville, NC, October 2018

Guest editor, Bread Loaf Environmental Writing Conference, Middlebury, VT, June 2018

Reading and guest lecture, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, March 2018

Reader and panelist, University of Mount Olive Literary Festival, Mount Olive, NC, March 2018

The Natural World: Environmental Racism, Reproductive Justice & Creative Writing, panel & reading with Danielle Purifoy, Earth Feathur, & Tammy Gomez, Salem College Center for Women Writers, Winston-Salem, NC, November 17, 2017

Reading, writing workshop at college farm, and guest lectures on poetry and nonfiction, Guilford College, Greensboro, NC, September 2017

The Regulars’ Table feat. Anna Lena Phillips Bell and José Manuel Marrero Henríquez, a project of Detroit Research, Salon De’troit and the Scarab Club, Detroit, MI, 2017

“Rise Up, Go, Ladies! Remaking Ballads,” C.R.A.F.T. Fest, West Chester University, April 2021

“Ecopoetics in the Classroom,” Craft(ing) the Classroom: Poetry and Pedagogy virtual conference, West Chester University, February 2021

“‘This resonant, strange, vaulting roof’: Contemporary Sonnets Beyond Iambic Pentameter,” Sonnets from the American symposium, October 2020

Editing the Last Wild Places, panelist, with Elizabeth Dodd, Juan J. Morales, Tom Payton, and Laura-Gray Street, AWP, San Antonio, TX, March 2020

Love Poems in Place: Ecotone Poets in Fourteen Lines, panel organizer, AWP, San Antonio, TX, March 2020

Uncanny Activisms: Poems as Spells, Curses, Prayers, and Blessings, panelist, C. D. Wright Women Writers’ Conference, Conway, AR, November 2019

“Sustained Attention: Writing, Printing, Editing,” on panel Art and Activism, Poetry and Editing: Helping to Build “Paradise,” Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Conference, Davis, CA, 2019

Editing Literary Magazines, panelist, Poetry by the Sea conference, May 2019

Dear Lit Mag Editors: Now What?, panelist, with Carolyn Kuebler, Lindsay Garbutt, Harilaos Stecopoulos, & Tracy O’Neill, AWP, Portland, OR, 2019

Editing Patriarchy: Women Editors Respond to Historic & Restorative Publishing, panelist, with Rachel Morgan, Sumita Chakraborty, Lauren Slaughter, & Melissa R. Sipin, AWP, Portland, OR, 2019

First Books Reading, West Chester poetry conference, 2018

Sweet, Fraught South: Readings and Incitements to Write from Place, panel chair and reader, Split This Rock Poetry Festival, 2018

Vassar Miller Poetry Prize 25th Anniversary Reading, reader, AWP, Tampa, FL, 2018

A Woman’s Place: Ecotone Essayists Expand the Boundaries of Place-Based Writing, panel chair, AWP, Tampa, FL, 2018

In Her Place: An Ecopoetical Reading and Incitement to Write from Where We Are, panel chair, reader, and designer of zine with prompts from readers, C. D. Wright Women Writers’ Conference, 2017

Ecotone Poets of Place, panel chair and designer of zine with prompts from readers, Poetry by the Sea, Madison, CT, 2017

New books panel, Poetry by the Sea, Madison, CT, 2017

The Craft of Editing Poetry: Practices and Perspectives from Literary Magazine Editors, panel chair, Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference, Washington, DC, 2017

Stay in touch

Instagram: @annalenasproflection
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© 2024 Anna Lena Phillips Bell